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Sunday, December 30, 2012

But what does it mean?

First off, to those of you who faithfully followed my advent blog, thank you and also, I'm sorry. I slacked. I'm bummed that I slacked. I had great intentions and then work got crazy and my energy was depleted by the time I got home and I got lazy. Tsk Tsk.

I've transferred to here, because I could quite keep up an advent/christmas blog all year round. I have my photography blog, but I needed a place where I could get a little more personal. So here I am.

Why one big raindrop?

Think about one raindrop. One raindrop falls to the ground. Splashes. It's little in the grand scheme of things, but it brings life none the less. And 99.99999% of the time, when one raindrop falls, many fall behind it. I look at my life as one raindrop. Carrying a portion of life and nourishment which I can either take advantage of, or disregard. If my ability to enjoy life for its simplicities and partake in every day small acts of kindness or gratitude could have some small effect at all, then it would be worth it to me. If we all embraced that a bit...think of all the life we could bring to our little worlds.

This year, I feel like I have a new chance to start fresh and really take part in life. Not just let it pass me by or overwhelm me. But really enjoy it. So this is the place where I'm going to journal it. I have books that I'm going to use to help inspire me, but I really just want to share life with you all. The beauty of life.

I'm going to try new foods. Spend hours prepping a meal just for myself, but I'll enjoy it (which I did tonight.) I'm going to cherish my family a little more. I'm going to reach out to strangers a little more. I'm going to let my friends know I appreciate them more each day. I'm going to live the best I can.

I hope you'll join me in living. It really is quite fun.

I plan on blogging my adventures in the kitchen tonight, but I have to clean up the mess and wrap up the leftovers first.

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