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Monday, December 31, 2012

So long, 2012

I could easily say that 2012 was the hardest year of my life and I could kick it out the door with a steel toed boot. It was hard. I had many moments admittedly where I wanted to just throw in the towel and let the days pass me by without giving two cares about life at all. I think though that the most important thing I took away from this year is learning where to put your heart and mind in the midst of the craziness. Frame of important.

I never planned on having my marriage fall apart. Never. It's been the biggest challenge to overcome, but in my lowest of lows I have discovered some shining diamonds in the rough. My friends near and far who have been my backbone and encouragement. My family who have been my rock and my safe place when I've been overwhelmed. And even the strength I've found within myself to forgive and to heal and be stronger through it all.

I've had some pretty dang great moments too. Definitely not to be overlooked. I have my own little home. It's cozy and it's my space that represents me and I love coming home each day to my home.

I have a wonderful full time job that just fell into my lap and I'm blessed to have it. It's challenging for sure, but it's nice to have some stability and structure in my life after all the chaos that happened earlier this year.

I went on the most incredible vacation with my family this year to the Southern Caribbean. Sunk my toes in the sands of Barbados, St. Lucia, St. Kitts, Water Island and St. Maarten, sipped on many an adult beverage and was able to photograph my baby brother and his beautiful fiance for their engagement pictures on the beach. It was a beautiful vacation.

I crafted. I photographed everything under the sun. I cooked new foods. I stepped out on many a limb.

I brought a new member in to my family. (Okay, call me the crazy cat lady here.) But I love my Ophelia Mae. She waits for me when I come home from work and as soon as I walk in the door she follows me around like a little puppy dog. When I go to bed at night, she nestles in to my arms and falls asleep with me and she's been the greatest friend for my Xander Cat.

And mostly, I've been reminded of the faithfulness and goodness of God. I can assuredly say, that in my darkest times, the beauty of God and who He is to me was revealed to me in such evident ways. To take me in my mess and scoop me up and love me so, He's just been so wonderful.

2013. You will be a challenge. But I accept you fully. I know that you'll bring adventure and I really want to take the time to savor life because I feel like that's what you're supposed to do with it. Savor it. Kick life's ass. And take names doing so.

Happy New Years everyone.

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