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Saturday, February 16, 2013

forty sixth.

i drove in a circle today for 4 hours.

i saw abandoned buildings.

i waved at people in the small towns i passed through.

i got lost on gravel roads.

but most of all, i had an adventure.

it's a goal of mine to just push myself to do things that might be uncomfortable for me. so today i got in my car, picked a road and just began to drive.

i originally intended on stopping in a town and exploring, but i ended up being so fascinated by all these tiny towns that i just kept going.

i went to prairie du rocher, chester, perryville, st. mary's (population 360), ste genevieve and valmeyer.

in a few weekends i plan to go back to ste. gen and explore a little more but today i was just getting a lay of the land.

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