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Tuesday, January 8, 2013


Tell your mom your favorite memory you have of her.

I consider myself blessed in many areas of my life, but I would say that hands down, I have been blessed with the most amazing family. Anyone who knows me, knows that my family is my top priority in my personal life.

I treasure the relationship I have with my parents, so to begin to pull memories out and tell stories, well we could be here all night.

I can honestly say that I don't ever remember having an "omg I hate my mom, she's so embarrassing phase". Because, you know, my mom is pretty flipping awesome and she's always been awesome. I'm pretty sure I've mentioned this before.

We Zumba together. We go on vacations together. We go out to eat at new places together. We simply have lots of fun.

I have a huge amount of respect for my mom. She's worked her ass off (pardon my french) to be able to be where she is today and I couldn't be more proud of her. In the past few years I've had plenty of things on my plate that could be pretty disappointing when presenting them to your mom, but now more than ever before I know that my mom is one of my loudest cheering fans for Team Audrey. The ways that she supports me might be small and quiet to her, but they speak volumes to me. She's just really been wonderful at accepting me for the strange, off the wall, creative, a lot of times, don't have my crap together daughter that I am.

So, onto one of my favorite memories. Not just one stands out.

Many moons ago, my mom and I took a road trip up to Cedarburg, Wisconsin. It was a tiny, quaint, comfy little town with a cobblestone road down the center. The main road was dotted with a few bed and breakfasts, homey little antique stores that smell of cinnamon and spice when you walk in, and this oh so wonderful candy shop that sold the most amazing candy apples. I got one covered in M&Ms and she got one covered in nuts. We were there for a scrapbooking get together with a bunch of adorable women who echoed "oh yah fer shures" in the middle of conversations. We stayed up late and laughed and I tried to take a bubble bath in the jacuzzi tub and I forgot to let the water fill up to a certain point and so the jets sprayed everywhere. Ooops.

The whole weekend was pretty memorable. We stopped on the way home to look at Lake Michigan and came back to the car and our tire had been slashed. So after trying her hardest to change the tire herself and battling with a rusted lug nut, we resorted to asking a kind stranger help us. A very kind, very handsome, very muscular man in roller blades, that is. He even left his roller blades on to change the tire. Ay yay yay.

The most memorable part of the weekend though was when I made a little friend. We went to a little shop and I met eyes with the most adorable teddy bear puppet. I couldn't leave him there. I hinted that I wanted to take him home, but we had to part, and as I left his sad eyes just stared at me and I was heartbroken.

Mom knew though. She wouldn't let us part for long. And a few months later she surprised me with my Oakley Bear and I still have him and I still love him just as much. (Back off and put away the haterade)

So Mom, thank you for remembering the little ways to cheer me up. Thank you for showing me love in huge ways when you might think they were small. You are wonderful.

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