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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

twenty second.

Today I'm going to share a story with you that is not mine. It's a story I heard today while listening to my Snap Judgment podcast at work. I love this podcast because each one revolves around a theme and within that segment there are multiple stories being told that revolve around that theme.

Today, while listening, I heard this one story and it brought me to tears. Yes, I was that teary eyed fool at her desk. But take a few minutes and listen. You won't regret it.

The Story of Xiao Xiao.

I was so moved by this story because it begins with one person's commitment to love and lengths to which they will go to stick with that commitment. It's a virtue that can be hard to come by these days.

It also just continued to stir up my desire to adopt someday. I've said before that I have a goal within the next 3-5 years that even if I am not remarried, I will begin to start a family. I know that it will be a lot of responsibility, but I have confidence in myself that I could be that mom that adopts a child and raises him or her to the best of my ability. Yes, it would be extra lovely to share this adventure with a husband, but I feel reassured that this desire wasn't put on my heart for nothing, and regardless of where my life might be, that can't prevent me from having that family. I'm also reassured that I have a wonderful community that would rally around me and do everything they could to support me in my endeavor. I am not afraid of what my future holds anymore, I have this commitment to love a child and I will see that through.

What's something that you are so committed to that you would do anything to stick with that commitment? Think of every day things that you can do, maybe small things, that in the long run could amount to something significant towards staying committed to your goal.

For me, it means setting aside some income for future costs and really examining my every day choices to see where my priorities are.

Love is a powerful thing and when we commit ourselves to loving, beautiful things can come out of it. Commit yourself to loving, even when it might not be easy, or even when it means taking risks or stepping out of your comfort zone. It will be worth it.

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