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Thursday, January 3, 2013


Last night I attempted some bed time yoga. Albeit relaxing, it didn't work the way I had hoped. My body felt great, but I suck at the whole "pushing away distractions and focusing on your breath" part.

I cannot sleep in silence to save my life. As far back as I can remember I've either had the radio on or the TV while I fall asleep. I have vivid memories from my childhood of Soft Rock 102.5 being on in my room. (I think that's where my aversion to Delilah began.)

I digress, I cannot sleep in silence. I attempted to last night and I spent about 30 seconds focusing on my breath and then the late night ADD set in.


So, today was an off day. I hit the snooze button one too many times and by the time I woke up I had a split second to throw something together to wear. I didn't even try. It was so bad that I didn't even put makeup on. That says a lot about the morning I had.

Got to work. Wasn't feeling it. I plowed through anyway.

After work, and after having a d'oh moment from leaving my grocery list on my desk at work, I scurried through WalMart to grab groceries. And I mean scurried. Going to the grocery store hungry? Bad idea. Going to the grocery store and needing to pee really bad and forgetting to do so before your cart is half full? Even worse idea.

Buuuuuuut. I was pleasantly reminded of little hints of happy throughout the day.

So here's my daily Happiness Project entry:

I failed at getting ready this morning but yet somehow I managed to get 3 compliments on my outfit. Lesson learned, sometimes not trying is better.

Today's One Good Deed:

Buy a homeless person lunch.

Every morning when I go to work, when I get off my exit from 170 on Olive, there's always a man standing with a sign that says "Will work for food." Last week I attempted to give him my lunch I was bringing with me to work, but right as I rolled my window down a semi pulled up in the next lane and blocked my view from him. I tried to yell as loud as I could to get his attention, but the light turned green and it was too late. So today I didn't have food on me (remember, running late) so instead I gave him a $5 bill. There are little life lessons that pop up here and there that people taught me growing up and every time I give to a homeless person, I'm reminded of something my dad told me. People may criticize homeless people for what they do with the money you give to them. People have a tendency to expect the worst and so you think the person will buy drugs or alcohol with it. But dad taught me that it's not my place to judge, it's just my place to give and so I've never once questioned what they might do with my money. God does not withhold His love from me because of poor decisions in the past. He gives me grace and mercy and I can only try my hardest to do the same for others.


"You better cut the pizza in 4 pieces, because I'm not hungry enough to eat six." -Yogi Berra

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